Born:		1955, Philadelphia, PA
		Lives in New York, NY


1974-1976	Temple University, Philadelphia, PA

Solo Exhibitions:

1995		Galerie Walcheturm, Zurich, Switzerland
		Galerie Jennifer Flay, Paris, France

1994		White Cube, London, UK
		Galleria Il Capricorno, Venice, Italy
		Modulo Centro Difusor de Arte, Lisboa, Portugal

1993		303 Gallery, New York, NY
		Galerie Marc Jancou, Zurich, Switzerland
		Studio Lapeyre, Milan, Italy

1992		Institute of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia, PA
		Galerie Jennifer Flay, Paris, France
		Galerie Esther Schipper, Koln, Germany
		Galerie Gisela Capitain, Koln, Germany
		Galerie Ballgasse, Wein,  Austria

1991		303 Gallery, New York

Group Exhibitions:

1994	"Desire", DIFFA, Visionaire benefit, Charles Cowels Gallery , NY
	"Face-Off, The Portrait in Recent Art", Institute of Contemporary Art, 			University of Pennsylvania
	"Hellraiser", Comune di Mote Carasso,  Monte Carasso
	"Audience 0.01", curated by Helena Kontova, Flash Art Museum, Italy	Reflex", curated by Martin Prinzhorn, Wiener Secession, Vienna
1993	"Uber Leben", Bonner Kunstverein, Bonn, Germany
	"Restaurant", organised by Marc Jancou, La Bocca, 59 Monmartre, 75002, Paris
	"The Art of Language", Kunsthalle, Vienna, Austria; Frankfurter Kunstverein, 	Frankfurt, Germany
	 Bloom Gallery, curated by Corinne Groot, Amsterdam, Holland
	 Eau de Cologne 1983 - 1993", Galerie Monica Spruth, Koln, Germany
	"Just What Is It That Makes Today's Homes So Different, So Appealing?" 	Galerie Jennifer Flay, Paris, France
		 Galerie Walcheturm, Zurich, Switzerland
		"Le Principe de Realite", Villa Arson, Nice, France
		"Stoned", curated by Veralyn Behenna and Rick Pirro, Ruth Bloom Gallery, 		Santa Monica, CA
		"Informationsdienst", Art Acker, Berlin, Germany 
		"Travelogue-Reisetagebuch", curated by Jackie McCallister, Hochschule fur 		Angewandte Kunst in Wien, Vienna, Austria 
		"Spielholle", curated by Kasper Konig and Robert Fleck, Grazer Kunstverein, 		Graz, Austria, Galerie Sylvia Lorenz, Paris, France
		"Privacy", curated by Gianni Romano, Documentario, Milano, Italy
		"Whitney Biennial", Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, NY
		 ECART, curated by John Armleder

1992		"Spielholle", curated by Kasper Konig and Robert Fleck, Akadamie der Kunste 		und Wissenschaften, Frankfurt, Germany 
		"Under 30", Galerie Metropol, Wein, Austria 
		"Through the Viewfinder", Stichting de Appel, Amsterdam, Holland
		"Translations", curated by Kim Levin, Center for Contemporary Art, 			Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw, Poland
		"LifeSize", Centro per l'Arte Contemporanea Luigi Pecci, Museo d'Arte 		Contemporanea, Prato, Italy
		"Post-Human", curated by Jeffrey Deitch, FAE Musee D'Art Contemporain, 		Lausanne, Switzerland; Castello di Rivoli, Museo d'Arte, 				Contemporanea, Rivoli, Italy; Deste Foundation for Contemporary Art, 		Athens, Greece; Deichtorhallen Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
		"Tatoo Collection", Air de Paris, Paris, France
		"Molteplici Culture", curated by Liam Gilllick, Rome, Italy
		"True Stories", ICA, London, England
		"Are You A Boy, Or Are You A Girl ?", curated by Cary Leibowitz, 
		 Real Artways, Hartford, CT
		"The Real Thing",  New York, NY
		"Video project - 12 weeks, 12 artists", Dooley le Cappelaine, New York, NY

1991		"Works on Paper", Luhring Augustine Gallery, New York, NY
		"New Work by Gallery Artists," 303 Gallery, New York, NY
		"Karen Kilimnik, Raymond Pettibon, & Allen Ruppersberg," 303 Gallery, 	 		New  York, NY
		"The Store," Richard/Bennett Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
		"Gulliver's Travels," Galerie Sophia Ungers, Koln, Germany
		"Home For June", Contemporary Theatre & Art, 44 Walker St, New York, NY
		"No Man's Time", Villa Arson, Nice, France
		"When Objects Dream And Talk In Their Sleep", Jack Tilton Gallery, 
		 New York , NY
		"Karen Kilimnik, Liz Larner, Collier Schorr, Anne Walsh", Richard 			Kuhlenschmidt Gallery, Santa Monica, CA
		"Just What Is It That Makes Today's Homes So Different, So Appealing ?",
		 curated by Dan Cameron, The Hyde Collection, Glens Falls, NY
		"Louder", curated by Kathryn Hixon, Gallery 400, University of Illinois, 		  Chicago, IL
		"Plastic Fantastic Lover (object a), curated by Catherine Liu, Blum Helman 		Warehouse, New York, NY		
		 John Armleder Stand, Basel Art Fair, Switzerland
		"Residue  Politics", Beaver College Art Gallery, Glenside PA
		 Xmas Show, Air de Paris, Nice, France

1990		303 Gallery, New York, NY 		
		"Stuttering,", curated by Vic Muniz, Stux Gallery, New York, NY
		"Work in Progress? Work?," Andrea Rosen Gallery, NewYork, NY

1989		American Fine Arts Co., New York, NY
		Nicole Klagsbrun Gallery, New York, NY

1988		Cable Gallery, New York, NY


1990		"Goings on About Town", The New Yorker, July, P.14
		Hess, Elizabeth. "Caution: Artists Working", The Village Voice, December 		18th, P.109
		Avigos, Jan, "Disappearing Acts", Contemporanea, No 23, P.72-75
		Rimanelli, David, "A Problem in Contemporary Aesthetics", The Mourning 		Stutterer,  Newspaper edited by Vic Muniz, Year No.1, p.1 & 8

1991		"Project," Bomb,  Spring 1991, p. 48-49
		Decter, Joshua. Review. "Work in Progress? Work?," Arts, March, p.99
		"Goings on About Town", The New Yorker, April 22, 1991, p.16
		Levin, Kim. "Choices", Village Voice, April 23rd, 1991
		Joseph, Regina. "Review: Art Under Duress," West Side Spirit, April 23rd, 1991
		Smith, Roberta. "Critics Choice: Karen Kilimnik," The New York Times, 		Friday April 26th, Weekend Section C, p.17
		Bankowsky, Jack. "Openings: Karen Kilimnik," Artforum, May, p.138
		Schjeldahl, Peter. "At the Salon of April," Village Voice, May 14th, 1991, 		p.86
		Myers, Terry, Review, Flash Art, Summer, p.134
		Saltz, Jerry, "The Kid Who Never Cleaned Her Room", Galeries Magazine, 		July, p.80-81
		"No Man's Time", catalog, Villa Arson, Nice, France
		"Just What Is It That Makes Today's Homes So Different, So Appealing?", 		catalog, The Hyde Collection, Glens Falls, NY
		"Plastic Fantastic Lover (obect a), catalog, essay by Catherine Lui, Blum 		Helman Warehouse, New York, NY
		Decter, Joshua, Review, Arts Magazine, September, p 77-78
		Jarrel, Joe, "Eight Women Out", Village View, September 20, p.31
		Bankowsky, Jack, "Slackers", Artforum, November, p. 96-100 
		Coelewij, Leontine, "New Kids On The Block", Metropolis M, #5, p.36-39
		Troncy, Eric, "No Man's Time", Flash Art, November/December, p. 119-122
		Perl, Jed, Vogue, December, p.124-130

1992		"Karen Kilimnik: Escape in Time", Catalog, essay by Melissa Feldman, 
		ICA Philadelphia, PA
		Weil, Benjamin, "Remarks on Installations and Changes in Time Dimensions", 		Flash Art, January/February, p. 104-109
		Bourriaud, Nicolas, 'Psycho-Splatter', Flash Art, March/April, p. 88-90
		Joisten, Bernard, Review, Flash Art, October, p 102
		"True Stories", catalog, ICA, London, England
		"LifeSize", catalog, Centro per l'Arte Contemporanea Luigi Pecci, Museo d'Arte 		Contemporanea, Prato, Italy
		"Post-Human", catalog, FAE Musee D'Art Contemporain, Lausanne, 			Switzerland; Castello di Rivoli, Museo d'Arte Contemporanea, Rivoli, 		Italy; Deste Foundation for Contemporary Art, Athens, Greece; 
		Deichtorhallen Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany 

1993		Flinn, Jason B, Review, Tema Celeste, Autumn, p. 99
		Messler, Norbert, Review, Forum International, November/December, p.102
		"Privacy", catalog, Documentario, Milano, Italy
		Rian, Jeff, "The 1993 Whitney Biennial" Flash Art, p.78
		 "Under Thirty", catalog, (designed by Elke Krystefek), Metropol, Wien,	 		Austria
		"Teddy & other stories", catalog, Claudio Botello Arte& Galleria In Arco, 		Torino, Italy
		"Uber Leben", Bonner Kunstverein, Bonn, Germany
		Fleck, Robert, "Spielholle - Asthetik und Gewalt", Rogue, #17, p.17 -32 		"Whitney Bienniel", catalog, Whitney Museum of American Art, 
		New York, NY
		"Travelogue-Reisetagebuch", catalog, essay by Jackie McCallister, Hochschule 		fur Angewandte Kunst in Wien, Vienna, Austria 
		"Stoned", exhibition pamphlet, essay by Veralyn Behenna, 
		Ruth Bloom Gallery, Santa Monica, CA
		"The Art of Language", catalog, Kunsthalle Vienna, Vienna, Austria
		"Restaurant", catalog, essays by Jan Avgikos, Yves Aupetitallot, Terry Myers 		& Frank Perrin, La Bocca, 59 Monmartre, 75002, Paris
1994		Lieberman, Rhonda, "Revenge of the Mouse Diva", February, p. 77-82 (Cover) 
		"Audience 0.01", catalogue, Flash Art Museum, Trevi, Italy
		Lewis, Jim, "Karen loves Kate", Bazaar, September 1994, p.240 
