Darcey Steinke's blindspot takes you inside emma's consciousness for one evening. she's home with the baby, while her husband, david, is out. she goes through the therapeutic rituals of feeding, bathing, and putting the baby to bed, while her mind ricochets, haunting her with painful memories and projected fears. men and relationships figure prominently into the equation. the baby's world sucks you in, too -- it's fascinating in itself, but especially as it is circumscribed by adult perceptions. the interface plays right into steinke's narrative. various text formats, images and sounds combine to create a dynamic structure. the project is technically straightforward and easy to navigate, with each shift and digression enriching the whole. underneath the exquisite language and form, however, blindspot insinuates itself into your psyche. try being emma for a while. it's a little scary; it feels very real. is it motherhood that's bringing out all this vulnerability and suspicion? the distorted peephole view is as objective as it ever gets.

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