In reply to: Re: What's old about the web posted by Marie-Catherine Weil on May 23, 1996 at 08:33:40:
: : hey, after all the whole idea of networking all cpu's and the development of a system to link them all dynamically is indeed an all-western concept. there has however been quite a lot happening in asia, in the middle east, and it starts to happen in africa as well. you might have heard how the african news agancy, which was on the verge of disappearing, got to be revived because of the easy and inexpensive mode of communication, and subsequent dissemination of information internet entails. so there is hope that, as brian eno put it in an interview, computers get africanized, and that content gets to be developped. the answer is therefore not so easy. however, i agree with you, vigilance, and/or accute awareness is still a necessity.
: On pourrait penser qu'Internet va plébiciter la langue anglaise comme langue internationale; il n'en est rien, Internet offre un carrefour à toutes les langues du monde et devrait les revitaliser et leur offrir un formidable media pour faire connaître leur culture. Un exemple, le site web Bretagne où l'on trouve les légendes bretonnes et la chants de la marine à voile. Sorry to write in french but it's necessary for this message.
:::::: I have to write to you fellows in your language, that is english or french or whatever, aware of mistakes and lapse of identity. Thats what is old with (in? at?) the web.