So in a way next time maybe we'll gather here ten, twenty years from now, we'll be able to like stick tubes in each other and hear all our thoughts at the same time. I'm not saying that's great or desirable, but it's just one idea.

    As a quick note to the end of all kinds of things, I want to briefly talk about a quick one liner into movements around anti-democracy. I believe that all forms of supremacy can be very dangerous. And in a new book coming out called "Too Close for Comfort" by Chip Berlet as well as in other recent publications, manifestos and the like, there's a lot of commentary about how supremacy reveals itself in many different ways now using the "techno" world. We're not discussing that this evening per se, but I just want to let you know that -- given that through the web we do -- are in a protracted social institution, that it's an interesting thing to think about. That is, think about the supremacy of people who control surveillance systems, for example.

    Right here I'm holding a phonebook. Why? Because I'm always carrying this with me. It's my phone. It's my link. It's my hyperlink to all kinds of sites, and I'm going to start out with some sentences appropriate to the artists in the crowd.

    Now, what happened to this project? This project is now part of äda 'web. So why am I bringing up this slide last? Inside äda 'web or inside the digested network of Securityland which is part of äda 'web combined with many other odd projects, I was able to put images from a live installation into live pages that you could scroll though as you sit at your computer at home. So you could have a secondhand or tertiary hand experience of a live installation.

    Previously, in my installations, you needed many many different screens to show simultaneous activity. On the web that's no longer necessary.

Simultaneous separate states of time, motion and energy can be viewed simultaneously without dragging in 10, 20, 30 or so monitors and switchers.