Well no. Consider the rise of:
shared oscillation reference fields
generators of sexual heat
random fall mechanisms
auto-positioning social moves
eating projection fields
sub-standard models
recombinant monitory constructions
outwardly shunted sex mechanisms
the new love codes
condensations and dispersions of infinite re-definitions
the looping turn coat trend
memory collection debris
the tearing of techno vessels
endgames of arty endgames
blue museums
null expression receptors
'The Physics of the Void' TV show
silent hand repositioning
the lie of luminosity
Post engineering on the internet
fabrication illuminates for the home
the new museum of emptiness
low light eye fabrications
structure signatures of sublime erosions
bone transmission bridges
rummy love
omnilocational eyes in the light of fabrication
sexual signal abstracters and extensors
elegant locutions of dirty male thoughts
smouths of chance
visual desire exchanges
foci lectures
energy of loss seminars
recovery time
spinning reverse records
standing still
equations of symbolic orders and disorders
vessels of wine
their own reorientation of sexual rebus
emotional clearings
anti-American flightductors
vast territories of the entropyless fashion
optical futures
shifter eye constraints
numb drinking songs
the symbolic duration of hair
phantom gestures of the male sexual body
amplification of the female
dogs and their skin
my work
functions of physicality
the emotional releases of self-guided desire mechanisms
container release triggers
paradox engine maps
drifting non-arrivals
drive collision mesh paths
floating destinations
emotion aggregates
the positioning and re-positioning of penis spokes
quantum table behavior
floating signifiers of verbal doubt progressions
felt expressions when sheet folding
components of thought deviations
collapsing mind sites
get-a-life compartments
transfers of body skin
chess snares
self organizing cheese
geometric fall guys
resonance scatter drivers on strike
phantom limbics
the architecture of talk
violent ballet
quiescent repose
the loss of pink light
the new looping fields
heart-felt gestures
eventual smooth dinning equilibrium
the promised simultaneity of infinities
storage of desire leaks
the presses collapsing realm of reasonability
dispersion of the dreaded desire vehicles
resonance architecture
self suspended art
redefinition rooms
self supporting news
the removal of work
world parameters
museum mongers
wine cleared circulatory systems
arbiters of displacement
navigational memory aids
rotational cafe status
dead writers
tag shifter zones
mixed metaphor mechanics
answers that asks questions
poly-syntactic rotational faux art objects
yellow wine observation containers
gestures of inclination
clitorial tutorials
behavioral conveyors
the null set
blank vessels
the French propensity toward inversion
state owned condom storage sites
Deleuze & Gauttari's handlers
reforming of the gaming field
spring permutation shimmers
sound substitution sets
properties of inverse polemics
traps of interactive fashion
alchemical relatives
objects which turn in on themselves