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nina kahler Friday, December 08,1995, 12:57 PM nina kahler writes:
dear Jenny ! I dreamt of you two times. I didnīt know who you are, i only saw a work of you in Vienna by passing the railway station. Maybe thirty seconds a look on moving letters, without thinking about it. But my mind was suddenly involved in a story. I had a first dream : I was in Vienna and you gave me little animals in my hand.I felt so strong and by myself in this moment. Next day I had the same dream and your name was in it.I didnīt know anything about you and started a research. here I am and found you.What wre the animals for ( little ones as for children to play with ) that you gave me in my dream ? Do you have an answer ? greetings from Nina.

Tuesday, December 19,1995, 12:08 PM Ben Kinmont answers:
dear nina, what an amazing story/dream. but, i'm sorry to report, that you've actually posted your letter in another's project. Jenny Holzer, who i assume you mean to be corresponding to, is in another part of adaweb and i'm pretty sure that you can't contact her as part of her piece. you can go in and alter her truisms, though. if you really want to correspond with her, try contacting adaweb directly and maybe they'll forward your correspondenc to her. good luck. bye. ben kinmont.