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Sean Wiley
Wednesday, January 03,1996, 11:00 PM
Sean Wiley writes:
Funny that we should meet here in this
nowhere never having met in the
flesh despite a lifetime's mediated
knowledge of one another. I suppose
that it is just another degree of the same
sort of relationship that
anyone has over the net anyway.
I just finished looking at all the images
sent in by others to date. I am
going to have to let my thoughts about
the whole project simmer for later
articulation, but what you are doing is
Can I email you a QuickCam still image,
thereby keeping the whole thing
in bits until you print out atoms on
your end? I may well dust off
my enlarger and send you something
fixed in emulsion anyway, but the
to keep it electronic is strong.
I had a snow day from teaching today
and snowshoed with my brother-in-law
Tuesday, January 09,1996, 12:45 PM
Ben Kinmont answers:
dear Sean,
yes it is strange that this is how we should
first meet. Did Doug give you the project's
It is fine for you to send in the image
via email, though you should send it on
the following address:
You also need to do it immediately as the
project is closing.
thanks, and I envy you being able to
snowshoe so easily.
Sunday, January 07,1996, 12:24 AM
sean wiley writes:
I hope I am not too late to participate.
It is thirteen below outside and the
barely waning moon lights up the
wind-buffeted snow.
Tuesday, January 09,1996, 12:47 PM
Ben Kinmont answers:
Yes, Sean, you can still participate, but
please do so as quickly as possible (like
today if you can).
p.s. we just got back from Marlboro, VT.
so I can image the scene.
Thursday, January 11,1996, 4:14 PM
sean wiley writes:
I just zapped an attatched pict file to your email address.
I am happy with the image.
Tuesday, January 23,1996, 2:49 PM
Ben Kinmont answers:
dear Sean,
thanks for participating. Ada's people haven't had a chance to
upload your image but they say that it's great.
Shortly you will receive an updated report on your e-mail about the
way to access your correspondence file now that the project is
closed to new participants.