The purpose of the Amorphous Body Study Center is to promote a better understanding between the body and the mind, to emphasize the new role of the body as prescribed by the rapid developments in communication. The near total transformation of our culture into an information based state has left little chance of an active role for the body beyond its image value. The biological body is now ignored politically and exploited economically with its vulnerability being its major characteristic. Physical contact seems decreasingly likely, especially considering the risks involved. We need to examine how shear materiality functions in an electronic environment where image and signs are the operative means.
What is the role of the public body?
What we are experiencing now is that the self is joined to various networks of selves and is projected and thrives within a chain of bodies. Ultimately each body must have access to these new networks of communication. At the center we provide an atmosphere where communication is redirected towards thwe physical. A visit to the center will allow one to commune as a body amongst other bodies through plugging in with headsets to any one of the amorphous sculptures created by Charles Long. The audio that is distributed through these bodies is created by the British based pop groop STEREOLAB.