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      \__\/         \__\/         \__\/         \__\|         \__\/          \__\/    \__\/
project influx context ä ? nota < usage > exchange


or get help for more elaborate hunting.

if this doesn't work, please tell us, however try help first.


is here:

  • this search engine will consider the following:

    • multiple keywords with spaces separating them

    • the boolean variables AND, OR: like this and that, this or that

    • search order with parenthesis: like (this) then that

  • it won't comply with:

    • phrase searching (it doesn't like common words or notions)

    • wildcards: using * to represent whatever

    • the NOT variable

    • case sensitive typing: Go Fish

  • s e a r c h !

    this search engine was prepared for us by David Frackman and is performed by swishgate 1.0 (a templated replacement for wwwwais) and swish 1.1 (Simple Web Indexing System for Humans).

    we also like to think of it as the web site Dust Revelator (DuRt), however its hunting will not reveal anything about admin, testing, demo, trash, construction, confidential, .htaccess, .bak, .orig, .old, or the database of /exchange. it will only return files ending in .html, .htm, .shtml, and .cgi, which we hope will get you somewhere.